Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Annotated bibliography-Sheila Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

-Sheila - Annotated Bibliography Example Although these authors have presented a detailed analysis on the subject, a knowledge gap can be witnessed in the book. The authors did not present steps for making efficient corporate strategy that drives towards sustainability. The principles of business sustainability are most relevant to the main topic i.e. DSS. The authors did not conduct any specific research on the subject; they presented the information by gathering data from past authors and through their own analysis of knowledge. The proceedings, ‘Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning -- IDEAL 2014: 15th International Conference, Salamanca, Spain, September 10-12, 2014. Proceedings’ is edited by Corchado. It is the compilation of the IDEAL 2014, 15th International Conference that took place in Salamanca, Spain. In short, the proceedings of the conference have effectively highlighted the main aspects of the conference. In the proceedings, some of the most advanced and highly technological methods of data engineering are discussed. Springer, London, published it. Springer publishing is a world famous publishing company that has its franchise throughout the world. It publishes books, textbooks, journals, researches, etc. the editor of the proceedings has presented some simple yet highly advanced methods of data engineering and automated learning. For this reason, it is highly in relevance with the core topic i.e. DSS. Since, it is a conference proceeding therefore it is difficult to s ay whether there are some knowledge gaps in the book or not. The information provided in the proceedings however provides an in-depth analysis of the subject topic. The book, ‘GIS to support cost-effective decisions on renewable sources’ is written by  Gemelli, Mancini,  Diamantini, &  Longhi. As the name suggests, the book discusses some of the key elements regarding cost effectiveness and decision making on how to renew

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